Laser Treatments
Lasers are used for many different applications in medicine. Light/superficial lasers require no down time and can offer dramatic improvements in the tone, texture, and appearance of the skin. Deeper/ablative lasers have some downtime but can address deeper pigmentation and moderate lines or wrinkles. Dr. Kennedy uses the Sciton family of lasers in her practice.
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BroadBand Light (BBL)
BBL is an innovative technology that sets new standards for skin conditions associated with aging, active life-styles, and sun damage. BBL light energy allows Dr. Kennedy to precisely treat many skin conditions. Your treatment will be tailored to match your skin type and desired results. BBL is used to reduce/ remove:
- Pigment (age/sun spots)
- Blood vessels / Rosacea
- Unwanted hair
- SkinTyte - Improves the tone & texture of the neck and jawline skin with minor skin tightening
- Tyte & Brite - improves reds & browns of the face and neck while adding a ‘glow’ and improvement in the tone & texture as well.
- Acne
Ablative/Deeper Lasers
Deeper lasers effectively address fine to moderate wrinkles, pigmentation and offer skin tightening. 4-10 days of downtime are required (depending on the depth of treatment chosen) and sun avoidance is required for 4-6 weeks after treatment.
MLP (MicroLaserPeel)
MicroLaserPeel precisely removes a thin layer of damaged skin to improve texture and provide a more youthful appearance. The procedure is performed in our office and can be custom-tailored to your specific skin conditions and desired outcome. This is an ablative laser that does require some downtime. Downtime that is needed for this procedure depends on how deep of a treatment you are needing or wanting. Downtime can range from 3-10 days. MLP is often paired with profractional for best results.
MLP is great for treating:
- Pigmentation
- Moles
- Lines/wrinkles
Profractional Therapy is best used for tightening and improving areas of skin laxity. It is a quick and comfortable laser procedure with little downtime. Profractional is often used on the undereye sink as well as the skin around the mouth. The procedure is performed in your physician’s office and can be custom-tailored to your specific skin conditions and desired outcome. Profractional laser is often paired with Microlaser Peel for best effects.
ProFractional uses a tiny laser beam to treat thousands of pinpoint areas of your skin. Because only a fraction of your skin is directly treated with the laser, the surrounding untreated tissue promotes rapid healing. This skin’s wound healing response created new collagen which adds firmness and resilience to the skin. If a deep treatment is desired we discuss using anesthesia to aid in comfort during the treatment.
To obtain optimal results with MLP and profractional laser treatments we encourage you to strictly follow the aftercare instructions. Following MLP and profractional it is necessary to keep a layer of aquaphor or vaseline on your treatment area until the skin is healed. This is generally 3-10 days depending on the extent/depth of the treatment. Following the recommendations of Dr. Kennedy regarding aftercare and sun exposure on a consistent basis is necessary for the best results.
Laser Treatments Gallery
Our gallery contains pre & post operative / treatment photos of real patients. Some photos may be graphic or revealing. Do not click view gallery if nudity would be upsetting to you or if you are under 18 years of age.
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